The Weirdest 4th Grade Dream.

I am pretty sure that all of you curious people who are reading my blog have been in 4th grade. If you haven’t, well I am telling you now it is pretty cool.

But the weirdest day I had started at 3:40 pm. It was January so it was basically night. I was sitting in my classroom when I realized that there were a bunch of 4th graders walking with an evil smile on their face 😈.

I was a bit curious as to where they were going. So I followed them to the playground. It was dark so it was hard to see. But then I saw all the 4th graders armed with swords and weapons.

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I was pretty scared so I began to run. But a 4th grader named Zachary spotted me. And then out of nowhere the leader of all the little fourth graders came in front of me. The leader was my fourth grade assistant teacher who no one likes. It is a bit terrifying to see an annoying teacher who doesn’t like you, have a scepter in his hand. “Stop right there, I am sorry but I can’t leave any witnesses,” he said. Then he ran and slashed his weapon at me. But he slipped on a pile of ice.

Then all his fourth graders charged at me. So I then said “ I am running from you weirdos!” and ran away. I was one grade ahead of all of them so I outran them. Then they suddenly all collapsed for no  reason. They looked asleep. So I took a sword and ran to my fourth grade assistant teacher. He looked really scared. But then he said “Fo to the office!”

“For what?” I asked. “For not stopping when I told you to stop right there.” Then I walked to the principal’s office. When I got there the principal said, “You need to stop running away from the teachers when you are in trouble, also stop calling kids disrespectful names like weirdos.”

Then I woke up in my bed at 6 in the morning.


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